A neighbour invited me in for a cup of tea. I have always admired her front garden as I walk my dog past happy daisies and sweet scented roses that spill out onto the the footpath. But today I got to see beyond the fence.
Everywhere I looked was beauty on display. The colourful flowers reminded me its Springtime, wisteria, lobelias, daisies, a goldfish pond, birds busily popping in and out of their nesting places, strawberries, oranges, butterflies, bees and a curious kitten with one paw in the pond. A garden tenderly loved, nurtured and enjoyed.
But the best part of the morning was the rich conversation we shared. The life struggles we’ve had, common ground we’d shared, lessons we’d learned. The wisdom my neighbour had gained through her various trials, pain and struggle and yet her determination to stay, pray, love and keep on dancing was what I have treasured in my heart today.
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7